A green future with extragroup
Exploiting synergies. Pooling strengths.

Under the umbrella of Extragroup, we were able to bundle several companies from different areas through professional portfolio management. This keeps us one step ahead of the agile energy market.

One of the key components of the group is ExtraHolding GmbH. This company holds and manages the investments and business units of the extragroup. These include ExtraEnergie GmbH, an independent supplier of green electricity and climate-neutral Natural gas, and eg factory GmbH, which runs the operating business for the energy suppliers.
The companies in the group are represented at three locations in Germany: in Monheim am Rhein, Neuss and Chemnitz.

An important strategic goal for the future, in addition to the further expansion of the existing business areas, is the continued development of investments in our own green, sustainable energy production.

Our services

Energy provider from
Ökostrom und klimaneutralem Erdgas

ExtraEnergie GmbH is a nationwide supplier of green electricity and climate-neutral Natural gas. In recent years, we have reliably supplied over one million customers with the energy they need. Already successfully introduced brands such as extraenergie, HitEnergie and prioenergie are growing steadily.

You are welcome to inform yourself about the offers of ExtraEnergie GmbH on the Internet pages:+


Our services

Energy provider from
Green electricity and climate-neutral natural gas

eg factory offers the highest quality and many years of experience in the full-service area for energy suppliers and network operators in the energy market. With a great deal of commitment, constantly updated industry knowledge, a passion for innovation and the latest technologies, we have successfully accompanied more than 1 million customers through the energy market.

Would you like to learn more about eg factory GmbH and its offerings? Then take a look here:
